Carthax Wiki

Head of Household[]

Count Verner Beefington


Cruel and sadistic, no venture is too callous or inhumane for House Beefington to consider. This has only been exacerbated by their introduction to the Nomad Stars, where their foray into the slave trade and the hired muscle markets have been particularly lucrative.


The White Hydra, Defiant-class light cruiser specialising in landing craft and boarding tactics.

Other figures of note[]

Viscount Vernerson Beefington, chief seneschal and son and heir to the Beefington fortune.

Commander Kristina Shun, system governor of Asphodel Fields and chief military advisor to the Viscount.

Lord-Militant Aassimar Hyde, press-ganged tracker for House Beefington before mercenary work with Blackbriar Corps, then becoming part of the personal retinue of House Patroneus.

Wealth and power[]


Base of operations[]

Outside of Imperial space, they maintain a number of agri-facilities around Skylar’s Lie and a number of penal colonies in Asphodel Fields. It is rumoured they also have a secret research facility near the Howling Vortex.

Military forces[]

They have a sizeable standing army of chem-hanced troopers, used as a blunt instrument in boarding actions or asset recovery.

Business interests[]

Made their fortune in the nu-meat farms and corpse starch reclamation facilities in Imperial space and came to the Nomad Stars in a quest for profit. Their trade is mostly in meat - supplying it to hungry armed forces, or buying it in the way of slaves and down-on-their luck voidsmen looking for a quick Throne. They are, however, constantly on the lookout for any resources they could tap to improve their services - rejuvenat drugs, exotic chemicals and other growth serums.

Allies and affiliates[]

  • The Longshore Brassnecks on Mercy are used as reliable and trusted muscle, paid in growth hormones and stimulants used in Beefington agri-facilities.
  • The Lucile Dynasty have a long-standing relationship as primary suppliers of slaves as well as being a buyer of some of the more specialist chemicals and drugs produced by House Beefington.
  • They have a good business relationship with the Scourge Dominion, who buy many of the gene-hanced individuals for use in Scourge’s personal bodyguard and fighting pits of Mercy.

Enemies and rivals[]

  • Many Adeptus Mechanicus outfits in the Nomad Stars hold House Beefington in very low regard, as their constant tampering and tinkering with unsanctioned chemicals and procedures outside of Imperial space poses a huge risk to the stability of food production.
  • They have been treading on the toes of Van Arkiel, who holds the highest market share in food production in the Nomad Stars. He considers their false-meat and underhand ways to be beneath him, but he has been keeping a close eye on their surprisingly swift rise to power.
  • Their heavy-handed use of gangs and thugs on Mercy have put them at odds with the self-professed militia and security force of the Pit - the Bitter Sisters.